
Showing posts from September, 2023
Be Ready for Anything...   Jenny, You Need to Be Flexible and She's Trying! Further travel plans for the Great Loop... Some have contacted us because I have not posted in some time.  We are doing just fine although I have been tested on being flexible!  I am going do a post once we get to Chicago.  We already had to make an adjustment from going down the Wisconsin side to the Michigan side of Lake Michigan, more on that later.  As we are getting closer to crossing our wake, we now have some additional issues.  Many of you know, our arrival to Chicago is centered around going through the locks just south of Chicago.  Three locks just south of Chicago have been closed since June 1st for maintenance and scheduled to reopen on October 1st according to the Army Corp of Engineers.   The middle locks may not be completed by October 1st, although they are working 24/7 for it to happen.  The Great Loop Association has divided us into "Flotillas" ...
Lake Huron... Canada back into the USA! September 1 - 6,  2023 Leaving the North Channel was a long haul but it was worth it before the winds came in to wreak havoc on us.  Danny and I had to call in to get clearance to enter the US.  We had issues with this before when they approved me but not Danny.  This time the customs agent could not get her video to work to see us.  She asked her questions and said we were good.  Then we got an email saying Danny was approved and I was not.  There are no words for this process.  On our way between Canada and the US, our cellphones with Tmobile service went back and forth welcoming us to the US and then to Canada and back and forth.  It was pretty funny.  We traveled down to Detour Village, Michigan where there was a marina.  In Michigan, they have a Department of Natural Resources that run state marinas to provide refuge from bad weather.  Each marina is anywhere from 20-30 miles from ea...
 Canada in Review... What a beautiful country with beautiful people!  Wherever we were,  people greeted us with a smile and did their best to make us happy!  Make sure to go to the end to see our comparisons😊 When I look back for comparisons to the United States, I came up with the following: Category                                     Canada                                               United States Money                                   $2 Looney Coin                                          $2 dollar bill Food                   ...