
Showing posts from January, 2023
St Petersburg to Bradenton... January 16, 2023   We made good time on our short trip across Tampa Bay passing by the Sushine Skyway Bridge into the Manatee River.  We got to see DeSoto point on the Manatee River where Hernando De Soto of Spain came ashore looking for gold.  This area is known for boat building as well as  being  the largest cattle producer in the US at one time.  In the late 1800's and early 1900's  local  ranchers would  sale their meat to Cuba.  The bountiful seafood both from the Manatee River and the Gulf of Mexico helped to sustain the Indians prior to settlements being established.  In the 1800's, there were many Cubans living along the river providing fish to those in the area as well as Cuba. The day before we left, we took an Uber out to the DeSoto National  Monument which is operated by the National Park Service.  The area is beautiful on the water and showing reproductions of when DeSoto came as...
Clearwater and St Petersburg, Florida... January 9, 2023 We talked with our fellow loopers before we left to pick up words of wisdom before we were off to St Petersburg.  I would have liked to go on "the inside" or intercoastal waterway but we went on "the outside" or the Gulf of Mexico.  There were a few shallow areas that concerned Danny on the intercostal.  I'm sure I would have seen more birds and wildlife on the inside but we did see this couple checking their stone crab pots in the Gulf.  The pink structure from the water is the Don Cesar Resort.        Just prior to turning into Tampa Bay, we came across a HUGE cargo ship,  we stayed back until it passed.  I got pictures as it came between our boat and Egmont Key.  I will talk about this Key later.  Our view from our slip at the St Petersburg Municipal Marina was magnificent.  On our arrival into our slip, we met 2 young guys to the left of us.  When we asked i...
Leaving Carrabelle,  The Gulf Crossing... Finally! January 7, 2023     This past week after our failed attempt to cross the Gulf of Mexico, the information for a safe crossing pointed to Saturday night/Sunday morning.  More boats were making their way to Carrabelle and by Friday night, there were 15 boats wanting to cross the Gulf.  Those interested gathered Friday evening to discuss preferred speed, when they wanted to arrive on the west coast, and radar capability.  There were 3 groups with ours being 3 boats wanting to go about 10 MPH.  The goal was to leave at 3pm Saturday. I did my last nature walk Saturday morning before leaving.  My plan was to return to a wooded area near the water where I had seen a bald eagle and its nearby nest.  I was hoping not only to see the eagle but also other birds.  Luckily,  I got to see the Bald Eagle near the nest  and 3 different types of woodpeckers( Red bellied, Red headed, and Downy). ...
Carrabelle to Gulf Crossing back to Carrabelle... January 2, 2023 We travelled to Charlotte, NC the day after Christmas to babysit and returned to Carrabelle.  A nice man shuttled us to and from the Tallahassee airport.  Following our return, there did not appear to be any open windows to do the crossing.  While I was more interested in doing the Big Bend route, Danny wanted to do the crossing and I was fine with that decision, he is the Captain!  On our arrival back to Carrabelle from babysitting, it was time to look at the weather forecast to determine when we could cross the Gulf to get to Tarpon Springs or Clearwater.  There is a guy who has done the Great Loop and continues to do the Loop that was a military pilot.  He is known as Eddie and has a service called Eddie's Weather Wag.  He looks at 3-5 different weather sites and gives guidance on the best opportunity to make a smooth crossing without the drama as he often says of the Gulf Coast from ...